About Analytica

Founded in 1992 by Ursula Huws, Analytica Social and Economic Research is a small independent research company with a reputation for innovative thinking and prescience about social and economic change. We are based in London, in the UK, but our research projects span the globe, with collaborators spread across Asia, Australia, Africa and the Americas as well as most of the EU Member States.

Our work includes commissioned research and consultancy, academic research and policy analysis. We also provide consultancy on research methodology and carry out evaluations and project reviews. Our sister company, Analytica Publications, publishes the interdisciplinary, international peer-reviewed journal Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation

Ursula Huws has been carrying out pioneering research on the economic, social and gender impacts of technological change, the telemediated relocation of employment and the changing international division of labour since the 1970s.  The author of The Making of a Cybertariat: Real Work in a Virtual World, she has directed a large number of international research projects and carried out consultancy for government bodies in  Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America and Australia. 

An internationally recognised expert on teleworking, offshore outsourcing, the changing international division of labour and the platform economy, she has authored many research reports for international and national government bodies as well as writing and editing books and articles aimed at more popular audiences.

Her work has appeared in translation in a number of languages including Chinese, Swedish, German, French, Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Danish, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Hindi, Japanese, Korean and Serbo-Croat. Her most recent books are Reinventing the Welfare State: Digital Platforms and Public Policies (Pluto Press, 2020), Labour in Contemporary Capitalism: What Next? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) and Labor in the Global Digital Economy: The Cybertariat Comes of Age (Monthly Review Press, 2014). She blogs at https://ursulahuws.wordpress.com/.

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